Tried changing tags earlier - added "news" removed "smuggling" I think, but the order wouldn't change for me. Will try again. Maybe I can resteem - don't know if you can do for your own submissions. Thanks.
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You cannot unfortunately but you can swith the article up or "update it" with some new information and post in a second post. This way your post will be seen under "news" first. Also if you go to the google search engine optimization link you can put in the URL and it will be optimized so you get more traffic. Unfortunately you will only be able get upvotes from Steemit users however the more traffic that get driven to Steemit the more people will join so its a good thing either way. You can find that link in a simple online search for "google seo" or "google search engine optimization"
Thank you - it crossed my mind to something like that, but I'll make sure I have something substantial to add. Will have to put on my protective gear and start poking around.
Well you created some really good content that the MSM definitely won't be covering so I hope you get it seen more. Its tough on Steemit sometimes but there are niches and once you get in you will find that a lot of people will follow you and comment because you simply dont hear this stuff anywhere else. BTW accoring to the data the best time to publish under the "news" tag is between 7am-12pm EST. That is when most people are reading news tagged posts. Timing is also really important when posting and I learned that the hard way. Putting hours into a post to see only a few people see it. But anyhow I am going to go through your blogs and upvote you a bunch. I have this account and another so expect to get a bunch of Upvotes before the day is done. Us red pill people need to stick together 😉✌️🇺🇸
Thank you, you're very kind. Had to take a break, bad disks in neck + heavy, dark content = bad for the soul. Getting ready to dig in and write at least one good submission this week. Will post under news. I do appreciate your help, and I'll watch for your posts, too. We need to reclaim our democracy - that's the most important thing to me - spreading the word is important - a lot of good people out there have no idea at the horrible, ugly, soul-less truth, and would call for the men in white coats to haul us off if we started to tell them the story. They'd be too shell-shocked to be able to believe it.
Take care, happy 4th, Marine.