in #urban2 years ago


A blue wave in the USA might be the best thing in order to wake up Americans to the futility of the political system.

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About Curtis Stone:

Curtis is one of the world’s most highly sought-after small farming educators. His book, The Urban Farmer, offers a new way to think about farming𑁋 one where quality of life and profitability coexist. Today, Curtis spends most of his time building his 40-acre off-grid homestead in British Columbia. He leverages his relationships with other experts to bring diverse content into the homes of gardeners and aspiring small farmers from around the world. Learn more at FromTheField.TV.

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Awesome content Curtis!

Although, this argument for a blue wave has merit, I disagree. While he's not wrong that the system is absolutely rigged and that openly smashing the illusion of choice could wake up a lot of people, I don't think he understands how self-righteous the left has become. I'm quite certain a blue wave would embolden the radicals to push their agenda even harder and act on it as well; and the people that have been, "going along to get along" will continue to do exactly that. As it stands these people, that don't see it, are already clearly not bothered by the fact that the D.O.J. has declared anyone that: questions: elections, Covid 19 measures, or goes to a school board meeting to express their concerns about C.R.T. or L.G.B.T. ideolgies being taught in the classroom is an extremist.. a terrorist. I believe, at this point, if you are not already aware that the U.S. government isn't holding free and fair elections or protecting its citizens rights (which is its stated reason for existence) you are not going to. I do think a lot more people are aware but are just to cowardly to admit it and I don't think anything is going to change that, even if they began sending us, "extremists" to prison, for thought crimes, I think that they would continue to sit on their hands.

You are indeed very right