I've been following you for years now, and appreciate the rational viewpoint and fact based information you invariably provide. I'd like to propose an initiative I believe has enormous potential for success, and that I'm sure you'll support.
Recently furor over surveillance has reached it's nadir, and yet the fever pitch of thermal camera surveillance (pun intended) seems to have only increased, and now the NBA is wearing devices to track them and their health information in real time. NBA players can't really object because all they have to do to not be so surveilled is quit being an NBA player. It's not like they were born one.
Well, let's just turn this tech around and point it at the actors causing harm to the public with it. Government corruption, abuse of power, fraud involving government funds stolen...er, taxed, from the public, none of these things can happen at my house, be done by me, or the rest of the public. These terrible crimes against nations can only be committed by government agents, who are in the same position as NBA players: they can easily refuse to be monitored by no longer working in government service, but as long as they are in such positions, we clearly have the right, and the need, to ensure criminals don't abuse governmental power to harm the people.
Let's capture all government agents and slap tracking collars on them, like endangered species, and then share the information publicly to prevent corruption, fraud, and abuse. We can call it the George Floyd Memorial Public Protection of Black Lives Act, and turn the cages the criminal overlords have intended to confine us in into cages that overlords are in.
Let's test the pee and poo that comes from government offices. Let's put cameras in all areas where public funds have paid for and government servants work. Let's put body trackers on all cops, along with cameras they can't turn off, and record audio from their conversations and all radio traffic.
We've been fearing how these things can harm us. Let's make them useful to us, and hold our employees to account by surveilling them with the tools they have developed to surveil us. They don't have any right to refuse. All they have to do to not be surveilled is to get real jobs. As long as they want me to pay them, they have to submit to surveillance.
Pretty sure we can make this fly with a concerted effort of all truthers and folks that are sick of being treated like zoo animals.
This is what I'm talking about man.
Well you were talking about it just then, but really, like you said, we should all be talking about it...
We should make every effort to make it happen. Watch the watchers. It's our nation, and we have the right to surveil our possessions and employees, to keep our children safe.
Think of the children!
Many people have been talking about it for a long time now.