Armed man breaks into a house, feels embarrassed about it, leaves money as apology

in #usa3 years ago

I can't help but feel bad for the guy because he clearly has mental issues and also isn't poor because other than the window that he broke in order to gain access to the house, he didn't cause any damage to the property.


Teral Christesson seems like he probably isn't a bad guy... he just needs a little bit of help in life. He broke into a house, hung out for a while, drank some beer, ate some of the food in the fridge, took a bath, and then fell asleep on the sofa.

When the homeowners returned they noticed that he was armed with a rifle as well and obviously this kind of freaked them out. However, they said that Teral was so friendly and immediately put them at ease and said that he was extremely apologetic about breaking in and left $200 for breaking the window and also for eating and drinking without permission.

Teral didn't flee the scene and it remains unclear as to whether or not the homeowners even called the police.

The owners of the house said that they felt bad for him and that he was extremely polite and very embarrassed. They also said that they never felt threatened by him, despite the fact that he had a scoped rifle with him. He left the house without incident.

The police would later find him near some fast food restaurant after a report of him trying to break into and steal a car. Again, despite being armed, he put up no fight with the police, didn't try to run, and was extremely polite and cooperative. Upon his arrest he still had plenty of money in his wallet so it kind of begs the question of why is this seemingly well-off person committing petty crimes?

I'm no psychologist but this seems to be a mental health issue that needs to be addressed. Nonetheless being friendly doesn't mean that charges for criminal trespass, larceny, B&E etc are just going to go away. I am hopeful that Teral gets the mental health help that he clearly needs because at least in the past couple years or so, this is one of the nicest criminal stories I have heard.

I don't even consider this dumb, it's just tragic and I look forward to hearing some sort of story about if and how he recovers in the future.

The only "dumb" thing about this story is that the media is only reporting about it because of the fact that he had a particular kind of rifle with him and the media absolutely LOVES to attack this particular kind of rifle in any way that they can. Had it not been for the presence of this weapon, I can all but guarantee that we never would have even heard about this.

Care to guess what kind of rifle he had with him? This should be an easy one!
