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RE: Right To Privacy? What's That?

in #usa3 years ago

Appreciate you weighing in! Cool to hear from a real celebrity :)

thrown away for a little regret of sexual satisfaction last night

There are many, many reasons for what the states define as "abortion" that are not your example. Many states now have the same definition that Ireland had in 2012. There was no reason for Savita Halappanavar to die. Of course many see value in a zygote. Many women mourn the loss of every one they know about (many are lost without ever knowing they were there in the first place)

It takes religious zealotry to force a woman to death rather than let her doctors perform obviously needed medical treatment because a nonviable fetus has a heartbeat. Having a heartbeat after a partial disconnection of the placenta happens. The fetus won't develop tho. Won't get all the organs and brain that it needs to actually live outside the womb. At some point, the woman's body should engage natural processes and eject the fetus - heart still beating. This is an aborted pregnancy just as much as every zygote that doesn't attach to the uterine wall. It's just not a medically induced abortion, and it isn't the D&C that many somewhat falsely refer to as abortion

I'm not a zealot either. No hard line here. It seems obvious from history that the extremes do not work. Birth control fails. Rapes happen. Incest happens. Non-viable fetuses happen. And the list is probably longer. I'm a man. I'm not a doctor. It shouldn't be up to me. It shouldn't be up to politicians. It should be up to women and doctors. Those are just my beliefs tho. I'm not looking to force them on everyone

In the interest of compromise, rather than "first breath" I think "no harassment about it in the first trimester" or "no questions asked if it isn't viable" (cannot kill what cannot live), and some exceptions for the obvious issues is good enough. There needs to be some balance between the rights of zygotes (thousands of which are flushed down toilets every day) and the rights of the woman

Of course, none of that is relevant to the issues presented in the post, but I assume we're just having some separate, philosophical discussion here


The privacy concerns are on point though. At least Here in the US we have percoeved "sense" of privacy. But even that is slowly slipping away as the general public thinks it's better to have email, social media and other "free" apps and entertainment. If they only knew what they were actually giving up Roe v Wade wouldn't even have been on the radar.

There is this strange notion that the US is this bastion of freedom but its not and hasn't been for a very long time. While it may be free-er than some places. There are many aspects that it is less free than others. With only a perception of being the freeest of all.

While difficult, at least we could opt out of facebook. If we go back to the "trespass doctrine" style (constitution doesn't say "telephone", so you have no rights of assembly, speech, etc when you pick one up), we are all really effed

🤔 can I say "really effed" in a discussion about abortion?
praise Hive! ahahhaa

I will miss the freest perception

Celebrity my ass.

I wasnt mentioning the criminal acts and medical emergencies. Those are on a whole different level of discussion. I was merely speaking to the ones who get one just because they were too drunk or self indulged with their lust and was thinking with the wrong body parts and not the brain, lol.