As I sit mixing the last remnants of foam into my cappuccino, whilst sitting in a well-known coffee house; I'm reviewing the massive drop in the DJIA, US bond-markets & the US Dollar index, and thinking - shall I get another coffee or write an article surveying the aforementioned.
You can surmise the outcome of my decision, as easily as the answer to the headline of this post!
The stiff decline in these markets, almost certainly signals the real and tangible decline of the once great nation and the end to the infamous 'PetroDollar'. This will result in an inevitable reduction of the countries power, influence and prominence on the world stage; more importantly the end to capitalism as the leading world philosophy (though it will always have its place).
Since the Second World War, the US has enjoyed cheap-money, rapid growth with little true direction and a all-encompassing purpose; which has resulted in numerous wars, genocidal acts of resource acquisition, fundamental breaches in humanitarian / international law, an era of stagnate foreign entanglements etc..
The most salient manifestation of this unchecked behaviour is debt! The US has amassed such debt, not ever previously seen in the history of man; its size is almost beyond conception and its reach is global. The US has been exceptionally good at hiding it's real bank-balance via unfunded liabilities, derivatives, and other toxic financial products – employing its vast military might and dominance in the global markets - where things fall-short! But now, the gig is well and truly up!
Due to it's immoral behaviour of late, I conceive that the world thinks it unworthy of such a prominent financial position in maintaining the world reserve currency, and that many countries have sort to, and have achieved viable alternatives to the status-quo - where this will mark an end to the party.
President Donald Trump and his administration is fully aware of the fate soon to befall the nation and are doing their very best to clean-shop, stabilize the currency, and to re-establish broken ties with other states. Though their efforts are admirable and a fantastic move / step in the right direction; particularly the drive to get American working again; these policy changes will ultimately fail and many cease to be truly realized. The main issue here is that Americans, for the best part, are still drunk at the party, unaware of the tragedy about to unfold, arrogant in their stature, ignorant as to their future.
Like a wonderful ex-girl friend (the one that got away) the more predominate nations of the world will attempt to let the US down gently / graciously; however, like a drunken Host at a party, America will have trouble letting go! When the people of the nation really start feeling the pinch, and turn on their government – the blame will be shifted externally and most certainly not on it's past actions / behaviour.
So yes, we will have a fight on our hands! But how will this play-out and what will be the conclusion to the story here?
I love the story of Charlie Sheen, who entered into a phase of drunken binges , drug fuelled episodes, massive sex scandals, and a loss of a promising career. However, later in life he had a resurgence; he regained his dignity, sobered up and once straight, reinvented his stage career and now enjoys the title of a 'likeable fellow' – But, the US is not Charlie Sheen and the inhabitants do not resemble the diligent conformist nation of China, who were willing to graft their way out of a post WWII apocalypse.
The future is not set for this once great nation, but I can comfortably state that those who seek to make war, those military personnel who take-up arms and journey to fight – will meet a terrible end. Those who do survive, will not have anything to return to; aggression will result in America receiving such a bloody-nose - losing all credibility in the eye's of the masses, hampering it's inevitable return to world dominance.
If the republic continues to clean up it's act, adhere to international law, protect its boarders and decentralise it's currency, then this will act as a beacon to the world – cementing it's true principles as written; the alternative resulting in amputation.
Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!