I will now share my first-hand account of my applying for a volunteer position to work with homeless people.
I submitted my application to one of the most well-known, top three largest and most profitable American "non-profit" organizations in the world. For now I will withhold the name.
Know this first: I had already known all about this "charity" as I had researched it several years back and it was glaringly listed among the worst and most virulently criminal 501 (c)(3) fraudulent scams on the face of this earth. (THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS!!!) If you find ONE, by all means, let me know and I will GLADLY stand corrected.
Last September or October of 2018, I went for my scheduled appointment in person to the main local office of this huge and hugely profitable non-profit "charity" for my formal interview.
Aside from myself, there were two people in attendance. I had applied for this volunteer position to assist the homeless people and had already submitted my resume and cover letter as de rigueur.
The head of the group, a well-dressed, well-coiffed woman that looked to be in her early sixties had said she had worked there for 18 years and she led the interview beginning by offering me job: a part-time position with the organization that was 20-hours per week plus a stipend of $700.00 per month which is equal to $3.50 per hour.
This position required my signature on certain consent form which would give this outfit the full authority to do a thorough background check including all financial data. I would also need to consent to be fingerprinted at the police station.
Then I was casually and glossily informed that this $3.50 per hour position would require a written and signed agreement, a fully legally binding contract, stating that I would not and could not leave the position before the time period or term had finalized.
This was all much to my amazement. I then naturally asked, well what if something happens that would prevent me from completing the term?
The woman stated in a contrived casually unconcerned way that there would of course be certain circumstances that they would allow early termination, IF I was to provide documented PROOF of the cause.
This of course concerned me greatly. I asked "What sort of 'documented PROOF' might you require?" She replied again, casually but knowing full-well, a legal document from someone of authority that could confirm my stated reason of early termination.
Then she added "so that you will not "get docked." I said "DOCKED?" What do you mean "DOCKED?" And I thought WHAT??? 'Taken to court???' 'SUED???' 'Money taken from me???' ARRESTED??? THROWN INTO PRISON????
She did not answer my question about what exactly did she mean by "DOCKED."
I then said that I only want to volunteer. They said that I would still need to sign the same consent forms to give them full access to all my records including my financial records and that I would still need to get fingerprinted...to WORK FOR FREE.
I politely said thank you and I left.
I called to follow up and they never returned my call.