USA is all talk no gun!

in #usa7 years ago (edited)

Yup....the US is talking real big these days and waging proxy war, after proxy war, against the anti-globalist and pro-Christian Russians. US talk is cheap for the NWO but can turn out to be very costly to the average American.

It's up to both, the cucks on the Left and the cucks on the Right to wake up and stop being cucks, if they expect to put a stop to the insanity going on in DC and the Pentagon these days.

The USA will lose a war against Russia!
btw...I know people personally who worked on Russian rocket & missile technology.

PS: Don't be a dumbfuck, America. Russians don't want to be your enemy, so don't make one out of them!]6a00d83451af9f69e2011278fec3ff28a4-500wi.jpg(

PPS: Learn how to preview links Steemit ..or fuck yourself...I'm done with you wasting my time.


Suck my dick steemit!...Minds is kicking your ass right now!