"This week Democrats saw Brett Kavanugh confirmed to the Supreme Court, Kanye West give Trump a hug, black unemployment hit the lowest level EVER, every Senate race tilt towards Republicans dramatically, and in return Democrats responded by rioting and calling Kanye a "dumb negro"" ~ Charlie Kirk, @charliekirk11
"Glad to report that so far this Congress the Senate has confirmed 84 federal judges (2 SCOTUS+29 circuit+53 district judges) incl. 16 just this past wk & I expect we will confirm all remaining judges on floor + any more judges the judic cmte processes this yr b4 end of Congress" ~ ChuckGrassley, @ChuckGrassley
"I spent this week in Seattle/Tacoma WA & it was one of the most heartbreaking trips I've taken. The liberals have absolutely destroyed this beautiful state. I saw a homeless epidemic, needles on the ground & streets littered with trash. It was without words, unbelievable." ~ @TrumpsDC
"Facebook Purges Over 800 Accounts With Millions Of Followers; Prominent Conservatives Vanish" ~ zerohedge, @zerohedge
JW found State Dept records showing the Clinton-linked Podesta Group run by Tony Podesta (brother of John Podesta who was WH Counselor and then Clinton's 2016 campaign chair) worked on behalf of the pro-Russian Ukrainian political group "Party of Regions." ~ Judicial Watch, @JudicialWatch
Went to bed appalled over @donlemon despicable behavior laughing at @TaraSetmayer and @Bakari_Sellers awful remarks about Kanye West’s visit with @realDonaldTrump!! Woke up wondering why @CNN doesn’t take all three off the air? #SHAMEFUL #CNN ~ Herschel Walker, @HerschelWalker
"Rod Rosenstein doesn’t show today. Now Fusion's Glenn Simpson reportedly takes the Fifth. At some point, we have to realize: the problem has never been President Trump. The problem is the coordinated effort to undermine him... and those who will stop at nothing to cover it up." ~ U.S. Representative Mark Meadows, @RepMarkMeadows
"We don’t see Republicans harassing Democrats out of restaurants or breaking down their office doors We don’t see Republicans screaming in streets & looting We don’t see Republicans doxxing Dems & sending them poison every week That’s because one party cares about being civil." ~ Jack Murphy, @RealJack
"Federal Court Orders Hearing Tomorrow in @JudicialWatch Case Seeking Testimony of Hillary Clinton" Tom Fitton, @JudicialWatch
"When the Democrats tell people of their party to go out & terrorize other Americans simply because of the color of their politics, that sounds like terrorism to us. The Democrats are acting like a terrorist group, not a party. Using the same Bullying tactics from back in the day." Diamond and Silk, @DiamondandSilk
"WOW: Hillary Clinton has said there will be no civility in American politics until Democrats are in control. She is threatening continued obstruction, destruction and incivility unless you do what she wants. Democrat agenda is impeachment; Republican making America even greater." ~ Rudy Giuliani, @RudyGiuliani
"There are 3.6 million black kids in poverty, single motherhood rate in black community is 73%, & our cities are suffering under Democrat mob rule Yet all the Democrats can focus on is bringing in millions of more illegals to America to get them dependent on government for votes" ~ Charlie KirK