1 Shut down in the whole of the USA and Canada
Owners ran previous Ponzi scams, Ralf Gold ran 6
USI have failed to respond to Cease and Desist
ETH pool was emptied
http://behindmlm.com/companies/usi-tech/usi-tech-suspend-withdrawals-18-mill-eth-mining-pool-cleaned-out/Gensies mining said they were fake
Is this a "I had a dream" slides from a cheap marketing company, Or actual code and technical explanation of how it works and proof it will work. We should be able to see more than slides in a typical whitepaper. I had a dream is different to I have designed abd build oh and it works white paper. I thought it was terrible.
Lets compare whitepaper, Can see how different it is??
USI tech on tv and MSM as a scam
I'm one of those folks that are probably getting screwed by USI. I was not an affiliate. I never advertised it. I just put money into some packages. Luckily, I had withdrawn enough to almost break even. I'm not out hardly anything, but I'm getting a bad feeling this company is going to crater. Too bad because it will make people fearful in supporting cryptocurrency in general.
I think google is a scam too.