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RE: The US Travel Ban…An Outsider’s Opinion Piece.

in #ustravelban8 years ago

The particular countries he selected were actually not selected by him but under the previous administration. They were already designated as countries of special risk and had certain Visa restrictions before Trump came into office. Yes, it's true that the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi but that is not where groups like ISIS are active today. Again, whether this was the right decision or not, it is very clear that it has nothing to do with his business interests or banning all Muslims (only 7/49 majority Muslim countries are on the list for about 15% of the Muslim population...people can believe what they want all day long but this is factually not a 'Muslim ban') and accusations otherwise are just partisan bitching. By all means criticize his decisions if you don't like them but do so on the merits, not false and otherwise unsubstantiated allegations. My only particular complaint is that he initially included people that already had Visas or other legal status. Other than that, I don't see anything wrong with what he did. There are clearly large numbers of people in those countries that seek to do the U.S. harm. The only unknown from my point of view is how good the current screening process is. If it's rock solid, no need for the restrictions (which again, were only temporary anyway). If the process is crap, it needs to be fixed and if it's uncertain it needs to be evaluated. Taken at face value, that's the whole point of the moratorium.