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RE: Everyone Comment What Your Pre-HF 19 Upvote Worth VS. Post-HF 19 Vote Worth: THIS IS UTOPIA! SCI-FI FANTASY COME TRUE?

in #utopia8 years ago

I went from .02 to .42, with only 75% voting power!!! Happy day to us all! Congrats to you though! $63 for one upvote, I would be dancing all day celebrating! What a great day for us all though! Really puts those gloom and doom HF19 posts in perspective, although I guess we do still need to see if people will conserve there votes more now.


@stellabelle I feel like you are the magical payout fairy sprinkling payouts here and there on comments!!! You're awesome! Thanks so much!

It is what i have dreamed about since a year ago.

It really is amazing. I feel like there are going to be so many givebacks and charitable causes that can actually be funded now! Such an exciting time!