This is a logo proposal for the My Location app. I designed the logo to give the latest impression to the application. I create a cleaner logo and better describe the application. After some communication is done with PO, PO gives statement will use my logo in the next version.
Communication evidence (Github Issue)
Download app (Using Logo from me)
- The logo is cleaner, and will also be seen clearly when it's small in size
- Compared to the previous logo, the logo that I design more describes according to the name of the application itself.
- With a simple logo design, will allow users to remember the application when searching
Proof of authorship
- CorelDRAWx7
- Adobe Photoshop CC (To make Mockup edits)
Original Files
Donwload File (Logo)
Mookup 1
Mookup 2
Proof of work done
Github : Ahyar92
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Aplikasi yang luar biasa sekali bang ahyar, semoga sukses selalu. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Amiennnnn, thank you
Hey @ahyar92 ,
Thank you for the contribution but your logo design too generic. I found these on google in 2 minutes:
Your text on logo design is not outlined. Please pay attention on your next contributions.
However, it is nice to see that the project owner liked it and using already.
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Hey @ahyar92
Thanks for contributing on Utopian.
We’re already looking forward to your next contribution!
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beh, desainya manteps abis bang,,,,
haha multitalenta nih ente bang
thank you bro :) @calprut
bang, bantuin vote steem hunt bang :D
ane baru bisa tumbuh lumayan cepat nih :D
hehehee,,,, ayok bang join steemhunt, review2 produk terbaru gitu,,, ya meskipun gak sebesar bayaran di utopian-io open source, tapi bagi ane lumayan lah bang,,,, sehari 4 SBD dapet
udah saya lirik dari kemaren, rencana mau coba besok :), nanti saya tanyain ya sedikit2 :)
dah ane riset tuh bang steemhunt nya kwkwkw
ntar kalau dah bisa on discord ane bagiin bank hasil risetnya, bantu upvote loh bang
soalnya trendingnya ditentukan jumlah upvote bukan besarannya
dwi... lihat pesan saya bentar di discord ...