Hi @laxam. Thanks for approving the tutorial. I've changed the text to include Requirements and Difficulty.
About changing the repo to angular: I would not suggest changing the repo to angular, since angular cli is a bootstrapper and development tool for angular projects. It copies template files from the angular cli repo, so it's easy to start a new project. So in this case angular cli is not the "original project" and the tutorial is not a "supplementary repository" but a whole new project created with tools from angular cli.
Hi @aley. Thanks for including Requirements and Difficulty.
I would argue that this tutorial teaches reader how to use angular and not steemit-posts. If you view it as a new project - there is a development section for such cases. You can send future contributions there if they follow the rules for that section.
@laxam, so in case I would make a tutorial for "how to program in javascript" I would add the javascript language repo as original project? It's a bit confusing, but I guess I got the idea. Thanks.