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RE: STEEMPUNK-NET / MMORPG on Steemit / FAQ v 1.0

in #utopian-io7 years ago

haha, trust me I've done that many times since I started playing - make all my comments and then remember I should have "battled" THEN made all my comments. But, its only beta and everything will be reset eventually so its all good!
I look forward to the day you beat me, it means you would then be the most powerful steempunk in the known universe :)


I challenged you earlier and you beat me even though you weren't online hahaha! I did manage to get one against dksart though, so that was lucky. The creators keep challenging me for some reason. It's not like I have any chance against them though haha! I hope there would be tokens here that we can exchange for STEEM or something haha!

thats because I can beat you in my sleep right now ;) Yes, they plan to integrate using/creating steem in the future; not exactly sure what it will look like yet because we obviously want it to be balanced, etc. But I'm glad you're playing! I would give you some of my weapons if we could trade, but that isn't in the game yet!

I say, do my eyes deceive me, brother? :D


Hahaha! I'm sure it was a lucky break but still, I'll take the wins where I can get them haha!

That's awesome! Talking about their plans. I'm glad you brought this to my attention when you did. I'm just happy I'm able to grow along with you guys!

You caught me on my nap time ;)
yeah I'm glad you'll be playing with us! Eventually we'll have to start a guild when they introduce that.

I really got lucky there haha! I took a shot and it hit haha

That's why I registered instantly haha! I wanted to get into your guild before everyone's too OP haha! Thanks for letting me know about it when you did, brother!

everything will get reset anyway once we "go live" and are out of the beta, but I'm looking forward to seeing up some sort of guild we can play together in, should be fun!

Seriously? Haha! Then all of the drops I've been collecting are for nothing? Haha! Guilds would indeed be fun!