People got burned in the past for disclosing content like this? For real?
I did study a lot of mathematics in high school, I was even good at it, and it helped me at lots of jobs I have had in the past, but the real math like formula's well, I just don't use that anymore haha.
In this case it's just the optical thing I get nauseous from, I have that with certain lights too, and some things when I watch them on the laptop/tv.. my vision is not that good anymore like when I was in my teens I guess lol...
Have you heard from Giordanno Bruno and his ideas of the universe? He was burnt at the stake by the Catholic Church. Straight liner believers are very very powerfull :). Besides, mathematics are the doors of the full comprehension and criticism. That's why we have been told to abandon them and spent our leisure time powering down our brains in mainstream content.