So glad to discover you - though I did not find you here, but on Medium.
I am struggling to understand your first article but I am not a coder and I will have to find those who can help me in that field.
What I am curious about, since it affects my ability to create a platform, is what are the costs (for instance, Steem has to pay for blocks to be created, so I assume they charge a fee?)
Do I just get a coder to create according to your lessons, or do I have to contact those who run Steem to make some kind of arrangement? Where would I find them?
Basically, as must be obvious to you, I know very little about creating a platform, just so-so at using one. What I do know is how to run a business. For me to handle that side of it so that I can decide whether I should create a platform, is information as to costs and how to get permission, if needed. Are platforms like Palnet made in the manner you are teaching in your lessons?
I hope you will reply, as all those I have approached on Steemit have not shown me the courtesy of a reply.