Hi there - having read your idea here, a number of additional uses sprung to mind. But firstly, I wonder if you are aware of the currently running Steem Use-a-Thon by Byteball?
It's a contest in which innovative and creative use cases for the platform compete for the grand prizes and a weekly prize for best progress are awarded.
What initially came to mind is the use of the token. The Byteball platform allows for totally straightforward token creation without requiring any programming skills. It's basically a 10 minute process on a website and you have your token.
Since you arrange events, I suspect there's often a number of volunteers helping out to make everything run smoothly. One thing that a token and a super user friendly wallet could bring, is a kind of event-economy, where users buy the token at the entrance, and then use your token to pay for food, drinks etc. at stands manned by volunteers. They have a simple QR code printed and customers pay using mobile phones. The benefit would be that volunteers would never actually handle money and you wouldn't really have to trust people to not take a dive in your money :)
Anyways - I just thought I'd let you know of the possibility and regardless of your decision on joining the contest or taking a look at the possibilities, I wish you the best of luck on the project.
Thanks @byteball.org! We will definitely check it out. We've previously also explored Waves as a token creation option but at the time we couldn't see the benefits of having the token solely function within their platform, but we're always open to see what what can work. Going to check out the link now. Thanks again!