Orchid Software has been serving a wide range of companies over diverse sectors including: financial and accounting services, healthcares, sales, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, government agencies, policy and law enforcement, commercial and social housing, educational institutions, software/technology, logistics, and transportation.
Orchid Software is a well-structured intranet software development that is based in the United Kingdom; the company focuses on the improvement and provision of its Orchidnet intranet software.
I translated the files in the docs/en folder.
Links Related to the Translation
My Github Profile: caratzky
Project’s Main Repository in GitHub: Orchid Software
Merged Pull Requests:
Pull Request # 576: screens.md
***Source File
Pull Request # 577: settings.md
***Source File
***Source File
Pull Request # 580: tutorial_blog.md
***Source File
Pull Request # 581: tutorial_phpinfo.md
***Source File
Pull Request # 582: upgrade.md
***Source File
***Source File
Source Language:
Translated Language:
Number of Words
I translated 1,295 words on this project, based on an online word counter tool, excluding the untranslatable words and codes.
Translated words for the same Project
For this project, I have translated a total of 7,394 translatable words.
Proofread Words
1,295 words
Previous translation on the same project
1194 Translated Words for Orchid Software | Tagalog Translation | 6th Contribution
1214 Translated Words for Orchid Software | Tagalog Translation | 5th Contribution
1316 Translated Words for Orchid Software | Tagalog Translation | 4th Contribution
1386 Translated Words for Orchid Software | Tagalog Translation | 3rd Contribution
1102 Translated Words for Orchid Software | Tagalog Translation | 2nd Contribution
1182 Translated Words for Orchid Software | Tagalog Translation | 1st Contribution
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