It's good to see that you are back to the translation team. I'm very excited to proofread your work. Generally, in this translation, you are using the correct words and the layout is well structured. It has a logical flow and uses correct punctuation. I also noticed that you keep improving your translation by going back and rephrasing the text to make it clearer. However, there is an error in your translation. "athanasian" I suggest you keep the word as it is. " Apocrypha/Deuterocanon." You could translate it into "Kinh nguỵ tác/Thứ kinh"
For further information, please refer to the excerpt below.
The Apocrypha, on the other hand, generally refers to any sacred texts which authenticity are questioned, regardless of religion. This means that an Apocrypha is not exclusive to the Abrahamic Faiths since even Buddhism also have ones as well.
However there are no difference between the terms Deuterocanonical Canon and Old Testament Apocrypha. These terms both refer to the books mentioned above. The only difference is which term is being used by Christian denominations.
Please be advised that there are new changes in Davinci's policies of more than 2 translations per translator per week but it must not exceed the total of 5 contributions for the whole team per week. If you are planning to submit more than 2 translations per week, I advise you to speak to the team first to avoid a conflict of interest.
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Thank you for your review, @carlpei! Keep up the good work!