Project Details
This project mentions various abnormality of our body's organs. It contains medical terms. Accordingly, you must know medical terms if you want to join this project. In addition, you must be accepted the team of translation by project manager to join this project. Project manager approves this suggestion if you translate it right. Project manager approved almost my suggestions.
Links related to the translation
Source Language
Translated Language
Number Of Words
1006 words translated.
Proofread Words
Previous translation on the same project
Previously, 2042 words translated to Turkish on the same project.
Bir kas grubu kullanıldıktan sonra oluşan zayıflık türü ve eğer kas grubunda biraz dinlenme varsa azalır. Başka bir ifadeyle, tekrarlayan kas hareketleri ile beraber güç azalması vardır
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