""it is easy to understand which program language is used to creat this crypto currency when the logo is viewed and also represents the crypto currency name. on this logo design it is emphasized that pycoin is different from other crypto currency in which terms of features.""
you think these are not benefits? pycoin is a crypto currency written in the python programming language and i try to design my logo which uncover the most important feature of it
also you said;Nothing in our logo that can represent a cryptocurrency..
the project owner wanna a "logo".. not want a desıgn mark on hıs cryptocurrency coin..
i think it is a subject of another contest.. not this one..
maybe my logo is not the best one.. or maybe you not like it.. but my post is in rule of utopian and you are an moderator of utopian.. i wish you will check my post again and give a different decision about it..
@nilfanif @espoem @scipio @podanrj
Hi @cevdetpasha thanks for u feedback.
@cevdetpasha please add monochrome version to your vector file. pdf/eps/svg.