Ibibio Web Dictionary

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Ibibio WebDict

What is the project about?

Every country has traditions and culture which must be uphold and cherished by its citizens even unto generations yet on-born. In Nigeria, culture and tradition is key and necessary as every member of the family is taught the dos and don't of their tradition even communicating in their local dialect. But as of the recent generations, children barely know even a little part of their culture and traditions nor even speak it because they are taught in English in schools.

This project tends to solve that problem by providing a platform that eases learning of their tradition especially their language and promote their traditions and customs. Nigeria is blessed with diverse languages but we are currently concentrating on the Ibibio speaking people of Akwa Ibom State and Cross River State of Nigeria which cover a large population of over 1 million people. They will be provided with not just the meaning of the searched words, but also the proper sound pronunciation and possibly make sentences with them for better understanding of the language.

Technology Stack?

  • HTML
  • CSS / Bootstrap
  • Javascript / JQuery
  • Angular JS
  • PHP
  • Cloudinary (For Sound Storage)
  • Version control (GitHub)


Search Area


Landing Area: Design mimics google landing page


Ibibio webDict.gif

Link to project


  • Allow user to contribute their own quota to extend the database of a language
  • Accommodate other languages (such as Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa).
  • Categorize the languages for ease the learning process like Greetings, Relationship, Market e.t.c
  • Make sentences for each entry and pronunciation
  • Provide images for some of the words where applicable
  • Allow translations form English to Ibibio and vice-versa.
  • Introduce tongue twisters

How to contribute?

To contribute,

  • Email me at [email protected]
  • Fork the repository
  • Checkout to a new branch
  • Add your features

GitHub Repository


Hello @okipeter,

You've been previously warned against the wrong use of Steemjet tag in your posting.

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Please stop abusing/misusing the Steemjet tag. Post only contents that relates to Steemjet or Steemjet Contests with the tag.

Thank you for your understanding.

Hello @rextyge, I have noted the information but this isn't @okipeter. This is my first time hearing such rules sorry about misusing it. Thanks alot

Alright brother. Thanks again!

Thank you for your contribution. As in the current state, I do not see any uniqueness in the project. You said in the description, "They will be provided with not just the meaning of the searched words, but also the proper sound pronunciation and possibly make sentences with them for better understanding of the language.", which Google also does the similar things.

You can try to make it little unique, but as in the current state I think it does not hold any value over and above other platforms.

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Thanks for the information. Will work on it as u have said.

Perhaps Google does this, but google is not open source.