Hey, @steem-plus
Thank you for your contribution
So far you've submitted 21 contributions on Utopian. Keep up the good work!Your 18 contributions have been appoved and upvoted by Utopian
Here is your contributions details..
- Development : 18
Hey, @steem-plus
Thank you for your contribution
So far you've submitted 21 contributions on Utopian. Keep up the good work!Your 18 contributions have been appoved and upvoted by Utopian
Here is your contributions details..
This information is wrong. Please check manually and you'll see much more contributions.
Hey @stoodkev,
This works on utopian.rocks api, In @steem-plus name there are 21 contributions overall and 18 upvoted so far. Probably have submitted with different username, just a guess.
SELECT COUNT(author)as nb_posts FROM Comments WHERE author='steem-plus' AND category='utopian-io' AND depth=0
Thanks for this information, will check on it. But https://utopian.rocks/api/posts?author=steem-plus gives 22 as of now, before adding/updating on utopian.rocks bot checks existing records and make comment so its 21.
Who cares about the data from utopian.rocks, that s a recent interface for utopian. You should check all posts that have utopian-io tag and you can also check if it was voted by utopian