Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.
Contributions must have a comprehensible commit history. Larger projects or updates submitted in a single commit will not be accepted.
You are saying that Steemgit is the new name for Steem-adm then what you could have done is to clone the previous repo and start working on it. In this repo I can see 4 commits where almost all teh files have been uploaded in one commit.
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For once Utopian rejects for a solid erason ...
In this case, I'm thoroughly bothered ... Steemgit is also the name of my not-yet-public project. Because it's Git. On Steem. Rather, a GitHub clone on Steem.
This name change of his, it's deceptive among other things. Not that Utopian likes me much either ...
Maybe I should just clone Utopian, and as a joke call it what it is. Elite-ian. Utopelite? Dystopia. YEah that'll do. Look for Dystopia soon, which will make it so that the little guy fixing bugs that nobody thinks are valuable can get something too.
God damn I hate Utopian and everything about every part of it. Bunchafucks.