My First Contribution - List Rather Than Cards in the Newsfeed

in #utopian-io7 years ago


This is my first post done via the interface of I do this first because there is something that I feel should be changed. Also I wanted to try the interface for the first time. To be honest, I am a little lost because I don't think this interface is the best fit for the job.

Please Change Newsfeed From Cards To Lists

The big thumbnail display may make sense in the context of a graphic heavy interfaces where people hangout in the newsfeed itself (like Facebook or Instagram). But in the case of, I imagine that people are scrolling to find what they are looking for rather than "hangout" in there.

There was a function in the version 1 of where you could change from cards to lists

Which looks like this when it is enabled

I believe this would be much better for everyone who truly wants to use to browse quickly through the ideas, codes and bugs with a more tightly put together design.

What would I like to see ideally...

If the goal is to attract people to do exactly what they would be doing on github...why not use the github interface as a template instead?

The people who already uses github would find it intuitive and for a new user, it's very easy to use . Their interface is very efficient for the purpose that it has: browsing. It has distilled it's best features and got rid of the unnecessary one over time.

Thank you for considering this suggestion to the interface.

PS: To all those who see this post on steemit, I would invite you to try interface. Try to contribute and see if that wouldn't be a more rewarding use of your time on the steem blockchain.

Open Source Contribution posted via


@cryptoctopus I absolutely agree with every single thing you wrote and that's exactly in the todo list for the next steps of the project!

I've just delegated 40k SP to your project, as I believe you are doing something wonderful. However, should things not work out, how do I un-delegate?

You are either with or without ... don't be cheeky

Thank you @johnsmith ! That is an amazing contribution! You can update your delegation anytime, increasing it or decreasing down to 0. Just put 0 in the amount of SP and all the SP will be un-delegated. Will be back to you in 7 days as per STEEM flow.

Awesome, thank you for the info. I wish you much success and look forward to seeing what you do with your growing... powers. :)

Thank you so much @johnsmith !

dantheman's witness server is offline and of no use to Steem (for quite a long time as far as I can tell).
I would really appreciate if you would support me with a vote to give me a chance to show what I can do for Steem and Steemit. I have a long background in software engineering and also in running social networks.Hey John, I found you because I am investing a lot here in the form of technical knowledge, time, creativity and tech hardware as I am now a witness for Steem and I noticed that you are voting for @dantheman - but that

My witness application post is here.


Very nice & I m new plzzz wot me & follow me

Great post

Great post

Thank you @cryptoctopus. the interface seems very cool. Let me try it out!

@cryptoctopus I liked your post. it is interesting

Just read it is really easy to use Thank you.

Great topic for a new competition, I really like it. Upvote

@cryptoctopus - It's a nice review Sir... I hope to join it too Sir... I think my posting key can be used there.... Nice you decided to share this useful information Sir...

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

This is a great idea and about time that there was a rewards platform for people who contribute to open source projects. I am not a developer but I do believe a lot has come about thanks to open source developers I hope you get the support to get this really going.

This is brilliant , I will prefer the list type of view to the card as it will take less space and will make the site more organized ... I will love if this feature is been considered and implemented

cool upvoted

excellent work & nice review about this upcoming trend@cryptoctopus


I 100% agree with your important article. Utopion.Io is most successfully block chain site in trading market. Thats amazing contribution and will get rewards availability. Also all of steemians can be delegating power anytime.
Do the needful for Change News feed From Cards To Lists. As my decision You posted very contribute and need to long discuss topic. However I give 100% likes this post. Absolutely fantastic stuff.
Resteemed your post...
Steem on @cryptoctopus

Great post. i will try too.

Making things familiar or within people's comfort zone for sure helps on return. Good suggestion and I will check it out!

Excellent review friend! Actually I didn't join it yet! But with your review I think I will go there! And yeah a lot of work to do more! Day by day STEEM block chain is absorbing more value true such developments! Thanks for sharing such great review with us! Really appreciate your effort!@cryptoctopus,


great post

Very very great post

That looks like a much better way to get the feed!
I have never heard of that interface, but will try it now!
Thanks for the info, I an going to try it today.

Nice suggestion. I think providing an option for user to choose their preferable display is the best.

First time hearing of, it doesn't look really utopian as of now though ^^ The design looks smooth but the functionality is kind of messy, especially the interface (like you mentioned) could desperatly benefit from a change.

I have recently published an article about 'Hacktoberfest', its all about open source contributions, do check it out. With chrome extension(Steemit More Info), we can switch between card and grid layout.

Hi you are good post

@cryptoctopus thanks to share it . i agree with you .we cant find anything what we want ......its to hard for us

good information bro.

Great post thanks for sharing

Hello mate! It is great to see you making your first post on the interface! For a first time, the post looks top quality!
Your suggestion is really great for improving the experience of the users! I think it would be great if there can be a discord channel or steemit chat channel for where all users can go and give some suggestions or talk about any problem they are encountering there, same like has done.
If it is already there, would be nice if we could get the link.

Thank you!

Excellent job

Nice & plzz follow me

Now this looks really awesome this is great thanks for sharing :)

Hey @cryptoctopus I am @utopian-io. I have just super-voted you at 100% Power!


-You are writing more than the average for this category. Good job!
-You are having more votes than average for this category. Nice!
-You are generating more rewards than average for this category. Super!
-This is your first accepted contribution here in Utopian. Welcome!
Up-vote this comment to grow my power and help Open Source contributions like this one.

I absolutely agree with you, the interface also has me a little lost. I was hoping on addressing that but I'm glad you did. You did in in a much better way than I could have done.

Wow beautiful

Great post

This is very accurate in terms of pointing out what needs to be worked on and i am glad you are here to help.

This is very accurate in terms of pointing out what needs to be worked on and i am glad you are her to help.