Video Language : English - HD 720p
Github link : eranif/codelite
Codelite is an opensource and free application for makes some program with any programming languages such as C, C++, php and JavaScript. It runs for many platforms (Windows, Linux and OSX). More Information
What We Will Learn?
- We will learn about statements using goto, switch case and if-else if - else
- We will learn about sign up & logins procedure
- We will learn about create a login & sign up program in C++ using Codelite
- Microsoft Windows (32 bit or 64 bit)
- CodeLite IDE
My Operating System
- Intermediate level
Goto statement is performs to make the jump in the program. This jump use to created program doesn't get stuck in infinite looping and go to certain label to be processed.
In this video will discuss about create a program using goto statement, switch case statement and if else condition. First, we can learn about using goto statement. Goto statement used for jump to label addressed, then the content inside the label will be executed. Second, we used switch case for choose an option between sign up and sign in process. And the last used is if- else if - else condition for correct the username and password in sign up & login's process. The conclusion is to login when you succeed sign up. You have to input user name, email and password for sign up and user can be sign in with saved user name , email & password. If user not sign up yet , they can't to be login. In login step, you can input one of username or email and then input the password to get to the next step. In this tutorial, we can give an example of login & sign up to DR-Chat. Now, we can begin to create a program for login & sign up in c++ using Codelite.
Video Tutorial
This video explained in English - HD 720p
You can learn about video tutorial of c++ in below :
- How to Create a Simple Market program in C++ using CodeLite
- How to Create a Phone-Store program in C++ using CodeLite
- How to Create a Text File in C++ using CodeLite
- How to Find the Area & Perimeter of Geometric Shapes using Turbo C++
- How to Make a SimpleTemperature (Celcius & Fahrenheit) using Turbo C++
- How to Make a Simple Calculator using Turbo C++
- How to Make a Basic program using Turbo c++
Author : @devarizaldi
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