At Day #5 of the SteemJ Dev Diary the TagsApi has been refactored and adjusted.

Latest SteemJ 0.4.x releases: 0.4.3 v0.4.2 v0.4.2pr1 v0.4.1 v0.4.0
SteemJ Dev Diary #5 (05.01.2018) - The TagsApi
Hello Steemians and welcome back to day #5 of the SteemJ HF 0.20 Dev Diary!
This series has been introduced to collect feedback from you and to motivate myself to finalize the next SteemJ version as soon as possible. If this is the first part of this series you read, you may want to checkout Day #1 which explains the motivation behind this diary in detail and also provides a first overview of the API changes that come with HF 0.20.
Changes during day #5
Puh, it is already 1:00 PM so day #6 would be the more accurate title of this post. Today has been spend with refactoring and completing the 'TagsApi'. The procedure is quite the same then it was for the APIs that have been adjusted in the past days:
- Fix the package structure by moving the 'TagsApi' related models into a seperate package
- Implement all '_args' and '_return' objects
- Refactor the already existing methods so they accept and return the '_args' and '_return' objects
- And add the new methods introduced with HF 0.20
The final 'TagsApi' looks like this:

As mentioned in earlier posts, all API methods will be wrapped by the 'SteemJ' class as it was already the case in older versions.
Full list of commits:
(A prove that the commits have been made by me can be found here)
A list of all commits made after the last release can be found here:
General information
What is SteemJ?
SteemJ is a project that allows you to communicate with a Steem node using Java. So far, the project supports most of the API calls and is also able to broadcast most of the common operation types. Further information can be found on GitHub.
Quick Start Guide
Add SteemJ to your project
SteemJ binaries are pushed into the maven central repository and can be integrated with a bunch of build management tools like Maven. The Wiki provides a lot of examples for the most common build tools. If you do not use a build management tool you can download the binaries as described here.
To add this release to your project paste the following snippet into your 'pom.xml'
Start posting
SteemJConfig myConfig = SteemJConfig.getInstance();
myConfig.setDefaultAccount(new AccountName("YOUR-ACCOUNT"));
List<ImmutablePair<PrivateKeyType, String>> privateKeys = new ArrayList<>();
privateKeys.add(new ImmutablePair<>(PrivateKeyType.POSTING, "YOUR-PRIVATE-POSTING-KEY"));
myConfig.getPrivateKeyStorage().addAccount(myConfig.getDefaultAccount(), privateKeys);
steemJ.createComment(new AccountName("steemj"), new Permlink("testofsteemj040"), "Example comment without no link but with a @user .", new String[] { "test" });
Further information
The sample module of the SteemJ project provides showcases for the most common acitivies and operations users want to perform.
Beside that you can find a lot of snippets and examples in the different Wiki sections.
The project became quite big and there is still a lot to do. If you want to support the project simply clone the git repository and submit a pull request. I would really appreciate it =).
git clone
Get in touch!
Most of my projects are pretty time consuming and I always try to provide some useful stuff to the community. What keeps me going for that is your feedback and your support. For that reason I would love to get some Feedback from you <3. Just contact me here on Steemit or ping me on GitHub.
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Great work and very well structured post, I wish I d see more like this one! Approved.
You can contact us on Discord.
Nice to see you here @stoodkev :) Thanks for the fast review.
I just try to be as active as you, but I guess I can't top your efforts at the moment :D Keep up the great work!
Haha will do ;)
Keep it up.
Good aftertnoon @sanjeevm and thanks for your support!
Thank you very much for the daily post :) @dez1337
Thank you @gzmgndgdu :)
Very nice information
I wish my follow-up in my publications and# attention
#Very good content and great efforts in #publishing #Deserves more #votes I was #happy to pass from here to see your #publication #Greetings to you and wish more #wonderful publications @WalidSalah
Thanks @walidsalah :)
Hey @dez1337 I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!
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