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RE: Open Source Media Players: Choosing Your Media Player on PC (Episode 2)

in #utopian-io6 years ago

This is a reasonably well done walkthrough of Gom Player's features. However, as has been the case with this series, it didn't have as much editorial and personal content as I like to see. It also had some other issues.

It is not nearly as detailed as I would like. You say the UI is unattractive, but you don't talk about what, specifically, you found lacking.

When you talk about the Gom Remote, you write:

I can’t afford the android wear of Samsung

Samsung doesn't use Android Wear. It uses Tizen for its non-phone devices. Also, there is a VLC remote app. In fact, there's a bunch of VLC remote app. As a comparison, not mentioning that is quite an issue.

Finally, the style and grammar. This post would have benefited greatly from another edit pass or two.

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Thank you, for the review. I have taken note of the UI section, will improve . I will put more attention to proof reading.
I really didn't know of the VLC remote though, I will check it out.

Thank you for your review, @didic! Keep up the good work!