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RE: Open Source Media Players: Choosing Your Media Player on PC (Episode 1A)

in #utopian-io6 years ago

Here's something you may wish to consider: What is the unique value your post is bringing to the blockchain and the internet at large? There have been a million posts about VLC over the years, covering every possible aspect. So what can you supply that is unique? The answer, as trite as it may seem, is you. Your experiences, your point of view. You can make it personal, or you can use the app as a jumping off point to a larger discussion. But technical information about an app everyone knows is not unique. We want opinions and experiences. We want fresh and unique.

We make an exception when it's your project. If you come to tell us about your own project, we're happy to get the facts for the most part. We'd prefer if you make it personal, if you tell us why you created it, the thoughts and processes. If you tell a story. But we'll accept a drier version.

When it isn't your project, telling a unique story becomes essential.