Tag Search Extension For Chrome

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

While I was surfing in the steemit, I noticed that there wasn't a feature to search tags and this annoyed me.
For example,I want to search "movie" tag.The first thing that I need to do is to choose a random tag an one the left and
the second step which should be done is to replace the tag and "movie" and to press enter.As you see this way is very
boring and useless.

Now,let's see my way;

-I created an extension for Chrome. With this this extension,you can search any tags easily.
-I uploaded the file myself because I don't have an account for Chrome Store.

-The link and installition stages of the extension are here below(These processes will take about 2 minutes);

Download Link : https://yadi.sk/d/vmZyj1ww3Ud9ri

1-Extract the folder somewhere

2-In Chrome, copy and go this link: chrome://extensions/

3-Click developer mode

4-Click load unpacked extension

5-Navigate to the extension’s folder and click OK

6-You can use the chrome extension.


Thanks for reading.

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