How to - steem.js - All post details by upvotes

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


What Will I Learn?

  1. How to retrieve any vote a user took
  2. How to retrieve details from a post a user voted on


  • JavaScript (ES6 / ES7) knowledge
  • Promises



In this tutorial I will show you how to get details of posts you upvoted using the steem.js API. Instead of callbacks I will use promises.

steem.js functions

To retrieve our votes and the corresponding posts we need the following API functions:

  • steem.api.getAccountVotes
  • steem.api.getContent

These two functions using callbacks to handle asynchrony. As we dont want to end in the "callback-hell" we are going to use promises:

function getAccountVotes(author) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // get all votes for specific author
    steem.api.getAccountVotes(author, (error, result) => {
      // reject if error
      if (error) {
      // return votes if success
      } else {

function getContent(author, permlink) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // get all details for specific authors post
    steem.api.getContent(author, permlink, (error, result) => {
      if (error) {
        // reject if error
      } else {
        // return post details if success

Main code

The previous code retrieves the last ten votes and creates an array of content requests to retrieve all details.

// get all votes for myself
  .then((votes) => {
    // get last 10 votes
    const lastTenVotes = votes.reverse().slice(0, 10);
    // return new promise with all detail promises
    return Promise.all( => {
      const authorPerm = vote.authorperm.split('/');
      return getContent(authorPerm[0], authorPerm[1]);
  .then(posts => console.log( => p.title))) // log all titles 
  .catch(err => console.log(err));

Other details

We just printed the title of each post in the posts array above. But what else do these objects contain?

  • id
  • author
  • permlink
  • category
  • parent_author
  • parent_permlink
  • title
  • body
  • json_metadata
  • last_update
  • created
  • active
  • last_payout
  • depth
  • children
  • net_rshares
  • abs_rshares
  • vote_rshares
  • children_abs_rshares
  • cashout_time
  • max_cashout_time
  • total_vote_weight
  • reward_weight
  • total_payout_values
  • curator_payout_value
  • author_rewards
  • net_votes
  • root_author
  • root_permlink
  • max_accepted_payout
  • percent_steem_dollars
  • allow_replies
  • allow_votes
  • allow_curation_rewards
  • beneficiaries
  • url
  • root_title
  • pending_payout_value
  • total_pending_payout_value
  • active_votes
  • replies
  • author_reputation
  • promoted
  • body_length
  • reblogged_by

All the code can be found in this paste.


Steemit api uses bluebird, so you don't need to wrap with promises. You can just do:

    .then((votes) => {
        // do stuff


steem.api.getContentAsync(author, permlink)
    .then((content) => {
        // do stuf

Thank you for your contribution.
While I enjoyed your work, I would suggest some further improvements to your future contributions, as follows:

  • Provide much more visual representations in shape of screenshots, output,...
  • When you mentioned the different object attributes being returned, a short explanation would have been helpful
  • Try to come up with more innovative and useful ways to utilize steemjs functions, as there has been a decent amount of relevant tutorials.
  • Expand the content of your tutorial, it is basically a bit too short.

Your contribution has been evaluated according to Utopian rules and guidelines, as well as a predefined set of questions pertaining to the category.
To view those questions and the relevant answers related to your post,Click here

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Thank you for your time.
I will work on that in the next contributions.

Hey @drookyn
Thanks for contributing on Utopian.
We’re already looking forward to your next contribution!

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