Thank you for taking the first step. I've been wondering what type of comparisons to make with other blockchain data. The question that lingered in my head were - do other cryptos offer APIs to get data? of which I haven't searched for an answer. Another is, if they do offer APIs, in what format and how do I compare that with STEEM?
So thank you Paula for taking the first step. It was a very good point to focus on one aspect of data to compare - the bitcoin value transactions.
it's all a learning curve @eastmael. I think a better comparison would be smartcash and bitshares as they are both 'worker' platforms. Unable to figure out the bitshares api still.
Sorry, but what are 'worker' platforms? It's a new term for me.
I dont think that is an 'official term' but to explain from what I understand. On both bitshare and smartcash if you can do some 'work' that is of benefit to the platform you can submit a workers proposal to get paid with that coin. If you proposal is accepted then 'community' coins are used to pay for the work. I know with smartcash a portion of all mined is put into a community pool for workers payments