@ura-soul you posted in the category Idea/Feature. The category is meant to provide all the details to actually build something. This requires great details, images and examples included. Moderators are there to check the rules not to tell you exactly what you have to write.
In addition to that your contribution was accepted. So I won't call it a flaw, but more good advises ;)
Thanks for assisting here.
As I understood it, I was posting in the ideas category and I provided ideas in terms of solutions to a poor design in the steemit signup process. There are also bugs in there too, so it is not immediately clear which category the post belongs in. In software engineering there can be many ideas that relate to esoteric coding elements which don't really have a visual representation that is useful - they need to be described by words.. That's my point here.
Which contribution was accepted? The one about the Steemit signup? If so, does that mean that the requirement for images and videos is being changed?