Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.
- Please make sure to read our rules one more time. You can do it via following Utopian-io that way you would be able to read more about what Utopian-io is sharing
- The video is only 56 seconds and we really not able to recognize what is it all about.
- You have choosen the repository of the seen below but it is not about the subject please check one more time and make sure to pick the correct repository for the next time.
- You can reach rules via clicking here it says: Design or video editing related tutorials, "GAMEPLAY", simple on-screen instructions, ubiquitous functions (Save, Open, Print, etc.) or basic programming concepts (variables, operators, loops, etc.) will not be accepted.
- This is a video tutorial about "How to play XX game" but it is against the rules therfore i will have to reject this contribution. Kind Regards.
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Please Check @ewq