React is updated efficiently when you change your data and generate the right compounds.
Project Details
The best social networking site in the world is facebook. React program that makes Facebook updates.
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I translated 1172 words.
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Previous translation on the same project
Haste was originally developed for giant apps like Facebook.
Bilezîne, di destpêkê de ji bo sepanên mezin yên wekî Facebook hate pêşxistin.
It's easy to move files to different folders and import them without worrying about relative paths.
Vê hêsan e ku pelên pelan di nav peldankên cuda de bikin û bêyî ku riyên hevpeymanan bisekinin wan bistînin.
The fuzzy file search in any editor always takes you to the correct place thanks to globally unique names.
Dosye aramışke di tu editor, sipas ji bo navên global de yekane te li ciyekî rast î.
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Hello @furkan650. Your contributions fully with google translator.
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