What is Jockey?
Joykey is a free application developed for Android users that allows users to listen to music. User experience and material design have been given particular importance in this application. The application has been developed in open source and published to users.
First, I made some drawings on a paper to see how to combine the letter J and the play symbol. I started working with Adobe Illustrator to digitize one of the drawings that I liked most. I strove to not to lose details during the drawing.
I decided to use blue and green tones in the design.
I created the monochrome work of the icon.
I painted the icon with blue and green tones and studied it.
The icon that is currently used and the icon I designed are sides by side.
I tried different color versions of the icon.
Below, you can see the old and new version of the app preview located on Google Play.
Application icons in different sizes.
Application Logotype.
Old - New
512*512 Icon
Thank you for viewing the design.
Benefits / Improvements
- The letter J and the play icon have been combined.
- Material colors were used.
- The Logotype was developed.
- It has become more modern.
The new design email was sent to the developer.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018
Adobe Photoshop CC 2018
Original files Original and Editable Files Download (.ai, .pdf, .svg, 512.png, 192.png, 144.png, 96.png, 72.png, 48.png)
Font Source
Google Play
Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
I added monochrome icon. (Jockey.ai, Jockey.svg, Jockey.pdf)
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