You linked to this article itself, you wrote : Your contribution cannot be approved because it is a duplicate. It is very similar to a contribution that was already accepted here.
but i think you meant
with a link to
that is this one
Looking at this bug , I do not see it as the same. Can you please help me understand why you think it is the same bug?
The bug I am describing is a wrong error message and an internal server error. The error they describe is totally different.
Its not about how fast you post, but its about getting connected to Steem. When Utopian is noy able to connect to Steem API, whatever reason it is, it will throw this error. Hope you understand.
It is connected to steem in this case, the posting gives a 500 error.
So if you know Utopian has an API (, where all the updates are being done from there. So if the API is not able to connect it will throw 500 Internal Server Error and it is displayed as Not able to connect to Steem.
The error is on steem when you post faster than 5 minutes, it is not a connection error but an unhandled error on the backend.