Title : How to install LibreOffice On Linux Times 2017.2/Bagaimana cara install LibreOffice Pada Kali Linux 2017.2
Language : English
The Linux Times operating system is one of the advanced distribution for Penetration Testing and security auditing. Linux was also developed by Offensive Security as the successor of BackTrack Linux. Times linux provides users with easy access to large and comprehensive collections for security-related tools, including port scanners for password crackers.
Operating System Features Linux Times
Linux linux operating system there are several features:
- Have more than 300 tools of penetration testing.
- Free and will always be free.
- Open Source Git tree.
- Following FHS compliant.
- Support wide wireless devices.
- Modify the kernel already in patch for injection.
- Safe development environment.
- GPG marks some packages and also repos.
- Having many languages.
- Can be completely changed.
- Support ARMEL and ARMHF.
LibreOffice is an open source Office / Personal Office suite of applications compatible with applications such as Microsoft Office or OpenOffice and is also available on various platforms such as Windows, Macintosh and Linux. The purpose of this application is to generate an office application that can support the ODF format without relying on a supplier and having to include copyright. LibreOffice is taken from the word Libre (Spanish and French which means free) and Office (English means office).
Step - step how to install LibreOffice on operating system Linux Times 2017.2:
1. Initial view of Linux operating system 2017.2.
2. Open one of the browser applications found on the Linux Times Linux 2017.2 operating system eg the Firefox ESR app. then download the Libre Office app on www.libreoffice.org. Select the main installer.
Website display www.libreoffice.org.
Click on Main Installer menu. as shown below.
View LibreOffice application download process.
3. Wait until the download is complete. when finished download will be in the download folder in the directory "/ Downloads.
4. Open the terminal.
5. Type the command apt-get install libreoffice.
apt-get install libreoffice
Select y to continue confirmation install LibreOffice application.
Type apt-get update command.
apt-get update
Type the command ls.
Type the cd Downloads command to view the contents of the Downloads folder.
cd Downloads
Type the command ls.
6. Next extract and install with "dpkg", go to LibreOffice file directory which has been downloaded in directory downloads. type tar command -xvf LibreOffice_5.4.4_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz.
-xvf LibreOffice_5.4.4_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz.
7. After the installation process finished properly. you can already open the LibreOffice application via the Application menu and look in the Office section. Finished how to install LibreOffice on Linux Times 2017.2.
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