I am writing this to suggest that blog posts, replies and comments should be classified into months , week and years. This is because each of their respective pages looks clumsy especially because of lack of sorting them into categories based on time.
Author or readers using the esteem app finds it difficult to locate an old post due to the number of posts in the page (blog posts, comments, replies). Post page looks like stack of posts on the page. This makes it hard to look for old posts written by an author especially if the author has too many posts.
To solve this problem, I am suggesting that a feature that categorize blog posts, comments and replies on their respective pages be added to the esteem app. Further to this, posts will be categorized based on today, this week, last week, last month, last year, 2016, 2017 As such when one wants to read a post for this week, one will not need to click the this week section but for previous weeks ,months or year, one will need to click on the last week button or last month or even last year button to access such posts. This can be as the picture below. As it can be seen the week or day should not have button but others will be button like. This suggestion comes after it took me hours to look for a particular post it took to long to find it.
It can be as below.
Beneath the page for the week, it can be as below.
As it can be seen above, post can now be accessed directly once one knows the time one made the post.
Benefits of implementing this suggestion
This feature will allow authors who use the application to easily click and access long time posts that they want to read on the esteem app.
It will also make posts look more arranged and sort them based on time in a chronological order
It will improve the life of the users of the app as they will have a great, better and wonderful experience.
I hope it is implemented
Screenshots were taken from my Tecno W2
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