Logo proposal for busy.org + dark theme color

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Details/ Sketch

logo for busy.org.jpg

A functional and clean logo for busy.org website. I was exploring ways to construct letters B and add a busy related symbol to it if possible.


Benefits / Improvements

I aimed at simplicity. Putting the whole details in just one object/character.


I used Corel draw for my design.
Here are the steps involved.

  • Step 1 - Transforming the letter B.

step 1.1.png

step 1.2.png

step 1.3.png

  • Step 2 - Calving out "USY" from the bottom of the letter B.

step 2.1.png

step 2.2.png

step 2.3.png

  • Step 3 - Designing and inserting the busy arrows.

step 3.1.png

step 3.2.png

  • Step 4 - Inserting .ORG

step 4.1.png

  • Step 5 - Coloring

step 5.png



Color variation

logo for busy.org with colors.JPG

  • For dark theme

logo for busy with dark theme.jpg

Original files

Here is the original files

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


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This design has no benefits for Busy. They have their own designer who helps them maintain the identity of the platform.

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