Telegram is a non profit based messaging service that can be used for instant messaging, room discussions, image sharing, links sharing and also video sharing. Telegram poses a good multi-functional app which is of great benefits in the social media world. I personally have benefited greatly because of my line of bussiness in such a way that it helps me connect with Bussiness partners online to help me promote my work. I've decided to promote telegram to help others in their field. The promotion was carried out via facebook.
A facebook ad was used to specifically reach a particular set of people in Nigeria with no specific interest and who are between the age difference of 13-40.
The number of audience to reach was set to 14000-87000 and from the image above, you can notice that the areas highlighted gives a vivid information on the specific audience.
I created a page on facebook used specifically for contributing to open source projects by promoting them. I created a post recently to promote Telegram in Nigeria. I also made a promotional ad to reach a vast number of people in Nigeria. This campaign was a 3 days campaign. The statistics of male to female engaged are 50/50, from age range of 13 - 40 years old.
The promoted post made a massive reachout to 5300 people in three days and is still running to reachout to an extensive number of facebook users. The post had above 2290 engagements, over 2200 likes and 9 shares.
I believed it will be a plus to Telegram and also will mean a lot to lovers of entertainment in the whole of Nigeria. From statistics, it shows positive trend or acceptance towards the use of Telegram.
Proof of work
My facebook user name is Joseph Nathaniel and also my steemit display name is Joseph Nathaniel. Below are Images shown to highlight link-ups between my facebook account and steemit account. To futher proof the page is run by me, My facebook page which is "Cryptohaven" is embed with my steemit username (joenath) on the cover photo and profile photo of my facebook page.
- My facebook account link up with fb Page.
The image here displays the link up between my facebook account and my facebook page "Cryptohaven".
- My Steemit Display name
This image displays my steemit account display name which is the same as my facebook username on my facebook page which is "Cryptohaven".
- My Facebook page
Proof of engagement
Video proof of my work
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.
There is a rule: "The contribution should not contain any clear attempt to profit solely from a commercial perspective"
Promoting Telegram? Do you have any idea how many users Telegram has? It's considered a social medium on its own used for promoting other things! It doesn't need your "promotion". And therefore I consider this contribution as a clear attempt to profit solely from a commercial perspective.
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