Hi again I replied earlier to your post, and I just tried it out! I love it so far! its easy to use and quick , not sure yet all the features i still need to figure out and I currently am just keeping the fast reply window open. do i need to google Fast-Reply everytime if I close the window!? Or whats the best way to use or get to the site everytime!? internet is new to me lol! 😀 I now have it bookmarked!
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Happy to read that you love it !
Internet new to you ? I am very curious about that 😆 Where do you come from ?
Well its fairly new to me since I started blogging on Steemit almost 2 years ago, i just never went on the internet or owned a computer plus I lived in the country for a while with no cell service or internet when I first moved out here to Kelowna In British Columbia Canada I was living about an hour from Kelowna near Beaverdell for 10 years , they now have cell service though and internet. My sons of course have always used it , and are the ones to teach me now! Lol! 😂👍✌