Project Details
Dollar Street is a undertaking from Gapminder and is free for any person to make use of it. In translation in Crowdin, the sentence translation on Dollar Street is about the comparison of existence from every level of society.Anna Rosling Rönnlund, the cofounder of the Sweden-based Gapminder Foundation, developed the project in 2014; since then, her team of photographers has traveled to 200 homes in 50 countries. that fall into the 135 categories that Dollar Street uses as points of comparison.
When doing this translation i read stories of different families from various countries and take lessons for myself. That's why i am doing this translation. I am also Proofreader of this project.
Links related to the translation
Source Language
Translated Language
Turkish - There are untranslated 6% string for Turkish language.
Translatable: 5.308 words
Number Of Words
I translated 1144 words.
Proofread Words
Previous translation on the same project
My previous translation :
Previous Translation - 1
1074 words translated.
Previous Translation - 2
1084 words translated.
Previous Translation - 3
1088 words translated.
Previous Translation - 4
1172 words translated.
Previous Translation - 5
1124 words translated.
Previous Translation - 6
1209 words translated.
Previous Translation - 7
1235 words translated.
Previous Translation - 8
1153 words translated.
Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 12.198
Proof of Work:
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I fixed it.Could you please check my translations once more? @readante
Your contribution has been approved.
Thank you for the improvement on ''Project Detail'' part of the post. It seems a lot better than previous ones you wrote.
Your translations seemed alright too. So, we re-reviewed your post.
Please keep the quality in this level !
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