One of the reasons people choose WordPress is because of the many choices of themes that can be directly used.
In the official directory, there are 2,000 free themes.
It has not been included in the official theme directory is not paid like ThemeForest, for example. If it is not there may be more than 5,000.
Not only that, if you are still not satisfied with so much, you can also change their own themes.
Until satisfied, until according to taste.
In this chapter, we will learn how to change the default theme of your newly installed WordPress
There are 2 ways to install the theme.
1. How to Install the theme from the official directory
Step 1: Open the WordPress dashboard
As usual, go to HTTP:// then please go to the following menu:
Appearance> Themes
Click the Add New button to search for a new theme.
Step 2: Find a theme that suits your taste
To view popular themes, click the Popular tab.
Please find the theme that you feel the best taste.
Once found, click the Install button. Then click Activate to activate the theme you just installed.
2. How to Install unofficial themes
If for example, you buy a theme from ThemeForest or another place, then you can not install the theme in the way above.
Step 1: Download the theme you choose
Usually, this theme is in .zip format.
But you have to check again on it. If in the .zip file there is a .zip file again, then remove the file inside.
The bottom line in your .zip should be 1 folder with the same name as the theme title.
Like this:
Step 2a: Upload to WordPress via dashboard
Go to the menu Appearance> Themes.
Click the Add New button. After that click the Upload Theme button.
Select the .zip file you have downloaded earlier.
After the upload is complete, click Activate.
Step 2b: Upload to WordPress via FTP
The installation stage of the theme is complete. This alternative from stage 2a above, just for you who do not want or cannot install via a dashboard.
Open CPanel (http:// and login.
Sign in to an application called File Manager.
Then go to this directory:
public_html / wp-content / themes /
Here you will see there are some theme directory.
Upload your .zip file here.
After the upload is complete, extract the .zip file.
Then go to the Appearance> Themes menu, find the theme title you just uploaded. Click the Activate button.
Tips on choosing a WordPress theme
Installing themes is easy, but many beginners are often confused when they choose the right theme. In essence, it is not difficult. One reason is the number of people who sell WordPress themes but with features that seem tempting.
Therefore, here are tips for choosing a WordPress theme.
Tip 1 - Choose a theme according to your own taste
Do not be affected by features that you do not know what function. Just look at the DESIGN.
If you like the design, select.If you do not like the design, do not install.
The greatest consideration in choosing a theme is your personal taste for the design, not the other features.
Tip 2 - You do not need a premium theme yet
There are so many free themes in WordPress.
For beginners who are just learning to create and develop websites, free themes alone is enough.Almost no difference between free and paid themes, except in appearance. Moreover, many free themes are also pretty good design.
Here are some of them:
Twenty Fifteen, Twenty Sixteen, and other standard WordPress themes
Themes are all free, not complicated, and the design is good. If your website is a simple blog, the 3 themes are enough.
Tip 3 - Do not be obsessed with light themes
Outside there are many people who sell themes. One of the advantages they offer is a light theme, so loading faster.
Be careful, the effect is not much.
The size difference between a light theme and a super heavy theme will not exceed 500 KB once it is activated.
With today's internet standards, 500 KB is nothing.
In addition, almost all popular themes in WordPress must be effective in size.
Tip 4 - Do not be obsessed with an SEO-friendly theme
Again this is usually used by the theme seller. They usually say that their theme is SEO-friendly, so it can get 1st rank on Google easily. Not true. There is no such thing as great.
SEO-friendly it is a theme that the structure is neat and have no problem in terms of SEO. 99% popular free themes are also SEO-friendly.
So do not decide to buy a theme just because they say Lenya SEO-friendly.
Tip 5 - Do not be obsessed with responsive / mobile-friendly
All popular themes are now responsive and mobile-friendly. Not just a premium theme. These three things (SEO, super light, responsive) is a standard that we use 3-5 years ago when it was still a lot of less good themes of application.
Nowadays, the standard is outdated.
Tip 6 - Never install pirated themes (and plugins)
If you meet people on forums or Facebook that provide premium themes or plugins for free, do not install. There is a possibility already injected virus. If you install a theme and plugin that is injectable virus, then your website can be dead or hacked attack.
Watch Out.
Always download or buy themes and plugins from trusted places.
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great job thanks its useful sharing
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