about the first one: that's why utopian mods should have a trained eye and spot stolen work when presented, there's always someone who tries to cheat, I think one attempt and permanent ban should weed them out.
I agree that the second one should explained thoroughly, I don't think that users should mention utopian when they contribute to a project, they should contribute like anybody else, when they got positive result, they can think about reporting to utopian, the goal is relieving the utopian moderators from: having to check if a contribution is useful or not so they can focus on eliminating abuse.
Lol I have a maserati-ish tattoo, I thought I was being creative, I went to a tattoo shop (while I was drunk), drew a devil's fork & crown combined to a paper, damn I'm still wearing sleeves. :) Need to cover it up while I'm sober.
There are situations our sub-conscious works for us, but I get your point for sure. I saw some processes where things keep appearing from nowhere. With 5-10 minutes of search easily leads you to source.