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RE: Utopian Rules Update #7 - Biggest Quality Enforcement Ever

in #utopian-io7 years ago

This would be less of a problem if new submissions went into a moderation queue and weren't immediately posted to the blockchain, largely obviating any advantage that might be accrued through moderation.

After all, what we really have here is not a question about publishing well reviewed material, it's about whether or not Utopian will pay you for it.

And while I accept that is a different kettle of fish, it's not how Utopian is generally portrayed.

If it were up to me, I would shift the architecture to one where articles are submitted and not immediately posted until they're reviewed, and if they're rejected one could resubmit some number of times for another pass before Utopian signs off on posting it, and thus being at least somewhat responsible for its quality. One assumes that would also come with rules which govern how long Utopian can hold onto it before a writer could just publish it themselves without that invalidating the possibility of Utopian voting it up.

But that makes assumptions about intent which are not supported by observable actions.

What we do know is that Utopian is swamped with kind of crappy submissions which are already tagged with Utopian and the moderators are pretty well beat up trying to filter out the crap, just so they can decide who to throw money at. In the meantime, quite a lot of that crappy content is still being seen by everyone else on the blockchain and raising questions about quality control – which, to be fair, are completely outside the control of

The architecture as a whole is becoming a problem for the good aims of the project, at least as it's been communicated to me. As a result, they are narrowing their focus, seriously constraining what they intend mods to be responsible for, and abdicating a lot of the space in "open source projects" that previously was implicitly something that they wanted to support.

It's sad to see it happen, and it's doubly sad to see it happen this way, but at some point they simply ended up being responsible for too much money that other people want to get at for attempts at exploitation not to balloon to most of the things they deal with.

There's a bit of baby with the bathwater going on here, but I suppose that's not my problem.


wow @lextenebris !
If it were up to me, I would shift the architecture to one where articles are submitted and not immediately posted until they're reviewed (...)
^^^ That is totally doable and a cool approach! We could make it into a 5-step process:

-1- submit your contribution (only to the Utopian local database),
-2- moderate (reject / approve),
-3- if approved, send a Utopian message to the contributor (via another locally run application, or send emails, or just ask contributors to log back in),
-4- allow the contributor to log back in to and only then let them have their post button
-5- upvote after the contribution was posted

It's pretty much the basis of how scientific journals work in the real world and have for – damn, is it centuries now? Centuries, in the case of certain academic publications.

You can even mandate, if you have the manpower and time, two additional things that are very important:

  • 3.5: If not approved, send a notice to the submitter with a list of issues, and allow them to submit up to two more times. If the piece is not up to the standards of submission after three tries, reject the piece – gently – but allow the submitter to post without the Utopian branding or rewards.

  • 3.7: If after a week the submission still has not been moderated and accepted or rejected, allow the submitter to post via Utopian with the tag but without rewards.

(The latter is designed to provide an incentive for the Utopian side of things to press through submissions in a reasonable amount of time. The specific timeframe can be adjusted to suit, but it should be relatively short. If the moderators miss their window, the organization isn't out money but their reputation may take a hit if the piece is truly not up to their quality. That seems like a sufficient threat.)

But yes, overall – I think this is a far superior interface if you want to run a purely moderated organization which wants to both maintain a strong public reputation for quality and have incentives on both sides to follow the rules in a timely and intelligent manner.

This is definitely something that we want to consider moving forward, although as Utopian V2 is already in development, such change to our core mechanisms seems pointless, as it would need to be redone anyway for our already coming update.

The situation is not black and white and the decision is actively discussed by all community members and all members of our team to find the best solutions. We are not afraid of admitting our mistakes, and if this turns out to be one, you'll definitely hear about it. Either way, thank you for your concern, we at Utopian value constructive criticism and opinions of our community members a lot.

I agree with you about to shift the architecture. That is more wise technicaly, but as consequencies more works to do.