Hello, abasifreke!
Thank you for your contribution. This is a very useful tool, and even though I've never used this application, I have to say that it looks simple and easy to use. Thank you for taking the time to promote this tool with an informative blog post.
In terms of content, I like all the information provided. The post is comprehensive and well-illustrated with relevant visual content, and the content is unique and editorial. You did a good job of highlighting the key points about the main features described in your review, and also made sure to share a decent amount of personal content. Keep up the good work.
That said, the post did have minor writing imperfections, but not to the level where it hurt the readability of your text. To summarize, this is an interesting review, and I am already looking forward to your next one.
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Thank you for your review, @lordneroo! Keep up the good work!