Dear Utopians,
SteemMakers logo v1
Logo has been made in Illustrator, so it's a vector for easy scaling.
White on your themecolor
Black/Grey on your themecolor
I haven't tried out colors for the logo, could waste another hour on that. :')
But here's your logo in Cat Orange! You can has bestest color ever!
It's pure beauty!I didn't make a banner. I really liked the one @ady-was-here had made. I couldn't top that :O
Fonts & License
Font: Orbitron Bold
Open Font License
This drive folder contains the project file, and some exports. The font can be downloaded above.
Steps to reproduce
- Type an uppercase S and a lowercase m with the font "Orbitron Bold"
- Align the m with the top of the S, and add a circle on the end of the s
- Make cutout in circle, cutout is as big as the orange inner part of the S
Is also spacing between S and m, so align that as well
- Scale the m so it has the same thickness of S and connect the top of S to the top of m
- Draw a hammer and apply
- Draw screwdriver
- Draw a saw
- Apply background color
- Maybe apply grey/black
Proof of project
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Nice work @maxse
We @steemlinked are a making a community of professionals on Steem. Could you please design a logo for us.
The name of the application is SteemLinked, and we are looking for a logo which includes the word steemlinked, a Steem logo and an illustration of links (chain 🔗 ).
Could you please help us. We will publish your contribution and also reward you for the same.
I will ;-)
I was working on something similar. I'm stopping that now...
thank you for the post
No problem!
Thank you, looks nice, the tools make the letters come alive.
I think that the second logo is the best! Nice job
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is it ok? May I put in contact info next times?
Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.
You can contact us on Discord.
Hey @maxse I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!
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Nice job buddy. Keep it up
Thanks a lot!
Is this a symbol or a way to improve the postings in the steemian mr @maxse
This is a open source contribution for a logo graphic.
Posts have to be formatted nicely in order to get approved.