Thank you for your contribution. Below is our feedback:
- I liked how you are approaching these tutorials in a simplistic and easy to follow approach.
- The topic is a bit too simple, and posting to Steem via Steemconnect is already documented here, although i liked your approach and how detailed your went into making this tutorial, and you following this via a complete series. My advise though is to personalize those tutorials a bit further, and include additional content inside each tutorial.
- I had a question, why are you loading JS scripts in the body and not in the head? myscript.js and steemconnect?
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Hi, first, thank you very very much for the detailed feedback, thanks to such replies I believe I have improved from the first tutorial but of course we van always do better.
Regarding the second and third point, at the moment I am introducing the basics, on the former class I have coveref a bit more topics but I became too big, also, the scripts are on the body because I didn't thought much before adding them haha
since it is the basics I knew it wouldn't affect the behavior, but thank you for noticing, I will improve the good practices and consider every comment for the next tutorial
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you for your review, @mcfarhat! Keep up the good work!